Monday, January 14, 2013

Fun day in the snow

Janika (in the purple) and her friends
Trey got snowed!
 Fun day in the snow. The neighbors brought over their ATV and attached two sleds to it and pulled the kids around in the snow covered alfalfa field.
Our audience

Lottie and her boyfriend, Shep

Friday, January 11, 2013

Winter pictures

 We've gotten at least eight inches of snow so far, more to come and colder weather just around the corner. I'm happy if it gets above 20 degrees! Today it is 10. I like living in the snowy winter, except for the water freezing, and if it's a windy day, it's hard to do anything outside, but I still like it here a lot! The animals seem just fine in this weather, they are very tough little buggars!

Lottie keeping watch over everything, she goes straight to this spot, or right next to the fence, every day.  This is also the truck Jeff got, it's got issues, but it gets the job done. It's practically impossible to not have a truck on a farm!
The big calf pen, they get to be outside now and run around,
very happy boys!

Trey driving, Marina on the sled.
 It worked fine until the truck died-again!
Our herd is growing! 

Our newest arrivals

Three Holsteins we got a couple months ago, a lot bigger now!

Mr. Fluffy, our very manly rooster :) 
Milk and Dark Chocolate 
We got these two Brown Swiss on Saturday

They are getting bigger!

yummy milk! The more drool the better!

our potbellied pigs
How Now the brown cow

Miss Piggy
Steak (little lover boy)
Apple (soon to be butchered :)
Lottie saying hi to Apple

More of Mike's cows (our pasture renter), and some of our young heifers

One of Mike's heifer calve
Mr. Bull, kinda creepy looking, but he's nice

one of our young Angus girls, should calve in spring

Honey and Bambi

We are not sure what the plan for Honey is. 
Her calf will be weaned soon, and she is only
giving about a gallon of milk a day (not very
much!). She is old, 9-10 yrs. I would like to
keep her a little longer for milk (she is so 
sweet too!), otherwise she might have to 
become hamburger since she isn't bringing
 in any of a cow.

When we first got Honey, poor girl super boney

Honey and her grafted (adopted) calf Bambi

Honey now, nice and fat!